Tuesday, February 20, 2007

If I'm 4 Weeks Pregnant When Did I Conceive

of the doubt I do not want IE7

If you run Windows Update, you have Win XP SP2 and you have not installed IE7 and you'll find it between updates one who does not know what to make of the new browser from wrapping birth but Firefox uses the clear and not think about it anymore. The next time the 'ignorant you believe that IE7 does not break and no more must always look ahead and only after you realize you have installed the monster .... but there is a solution that comes directly from Mirosoft, precisely from here and consists of a file. bat that allows you to disable this feature by creating a registry key under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Internet Explorer \\ Setup \\ 7.0 with the its values \u200b\u200band everything else and just use it to make

E70Blocker.cmd [name of the remote machine or white for this machine] / B (to lock / unlock U)


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