Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Age Of Empires Age Of Kings Cd2.0

Saturday, March 19 + Practice Mariposa Milonga

coordinates Navigator
44.1477126842219 latitude / longitude 12.247143387794495
Guided practice from 20.00 to 22.30
Theme: Barrida .
Small technical introduction to help even the novice to get into that topic and then off to practice them in a range of increasingly complex.
Beginners, intermediate. forward we expect many!

organize practices that are open to all .
Even students who have chosen other teachers to tango their way are welcome.
We provide, in addition to our experience, a space to practice, study, investigate, resolve doubts
, exchange ideas ... actively participate or just browse. A
place and a time to liberate creativity and enhance their T angle.

Milonga from 22.30 to 04.00 with DJ Morgan and Joe Bossi

Costs: Practice + Milonga € 6 (with ID uisp or arch) (including buffet-rich homemade sweet and salty water ..... if you want to contribute and we like! :-)
UISP card costs 10 € (who should do the card has the entrance to the milonga free)

Info and registration

3479681128 3473571829

Perticara 150 Via Mariposa, area vineyards, Cesena

coordinates for navigation:
latitude longitude 12.247143387794495 44.1477126842219

BY TRAIN: get out from
' 'rear exit direction Vigne district, turn left, straight 300 meters. Please keep the sheds on the left. under the 'motorcycle club teaches Paul Thrussell find the butterfly.
for those coming from''Highway.
exit at Cesena (Cesena Nord NOT)
first roundabout turn left onto Underpass CERVES (2nd exit)
always straight to the second round, you will have already traveled about 4 km, turn right and coop after
away April 25,
turn left into Via Montecatini, via right now
parked and found the butterfly''sign in the bike club paul thrushes.
we expect many ....:-)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

How Do You Make A Motorcycle From Sugarpaste


not you take away the water ... Support the campaign
The Embassy of the Rights of Ancona, The gloomy and self-managed space HOTango
March 11, 2011 - The Area Cupa Autogestito
Via Cupa of Posatora 3b Ancona

19:00 pm free tango lesson with Agnese Franceschi and Christian saints of HOTango

Bars / buffet with Argentine

From 20: 30 to follow Milonga - DJ Agnes and performance of the artist

Admission € 10
the collection will be donated in support of the referendum campaign for public water

Reservations by March 10
Tel 339/8102187 - 347/4701996